The next deadline for the Data Security and Protection Toolkit is fast approaching! Dental practices have until 30 June 2022 to complete it.
What is it DSP Toolkit?
The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSP Toolkit) is an online self-assessment tool that allows organisations (including dental practices) to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 security standards.
The DSP Toolkit replaces the Information Governance kit and must be completed by 30 June 2022. The Toolkit is completed online at
Are you looking at getting your dental practice up to speed with the DSP requirements?
Look no further, because we have created a user-friendly guide that makes completing the updated DSP Toolkit quick and simple.
The Apolline guide also comes equipped with all policies, protocols and templates needed to complete the DSP Toolkit. You will receive 16 resources and a comprehensive handbook to help you complete the DSP Toolkit. You also gain 25 minutes of verifiable ECPD.
Included in our guide, you will find:
DSP Handbook
Confidentiality policy
Confidentiality and data protection
Data protection policy
Data protection impact
Emergency and business contingency
GDPR data inventory patient
GDPR data inventory staff
Induction and workplace orientation
Information asset register
Practice Organisation Chart
Privacy notice patient
Privacy notice team
Privacy policy patient
Record keeping policy
Social media policy